关于举行“Advances in Highly Doped Upconversion Nanoparticles”学术报告会的通知





  My labs have developed a new family of nanophotonic “Super Dots” that can up-convert infrared photons into intense visible light at the nanoscale. A single Dot can be highly doped with more than 104 ions for high brightness.Several fascinating properties have been discovered since to allow high-throughput bio-discoveries, data storage, single nanoparticle lasing and high-security-level anti-counterfeiting applications, setting records for the tracking of single-molecule transport, super-resolution microscopy, nanoscale thermometry, and recently super-capacity single molecule digital assays and optical tweezers. In my talk, I will present the recent new developments of super-resolution microscopy imaging and single molecule tracking techniques, including direct microscopic inspection and tracking of single upconversion nanoparticles in living cells, multi-photon near-infrared emission saturation nanoscopy using single beam scanning, Bessel beam scanning to map single nanoparticles inside tumor spheroids, nonlinear structured illumination microscopy, Fourier domain heterochromatic fusion for single beam scanning super-resolution microscopy, axial localization and tracking of self-interference nanoparticles by lateral point spread functions, and recently optical tweezers.


  Dayong Jin is a Distinguished Professor at the University of Technology Sydney since 2017 and a Chair Professor at Southern University of Science and Technology since 2019. Prof Jin obtained his PhD from Macquarie University in 2007. At Macquarie, he was promoted to Lecturer in 2010, Senior Lecturer in 2013, and Associate Professor in 2014. At UTS, as the director, he established the Australian Research Council Industry Transformation Research Hub for Integrated Devices for End-user Analysis at Low Levels (ARC IDEAL Research Hub), the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources’ Australia-China Joint Research Centre for Point of Care Testing (DISER POCT), the UTS-SUStech Joint Research Centre for Biomedical Materials & Devices, which three major programs underpin the UTS Institute for Biomedical Materials & Devices (IBMD), to transform advances in phonics and materials into disruptive biotechnologies. His research has been in the physical, engineering and interdisciplinary sciences, with expertise covering biomedical optics, nanotechnology, microscopy, diagnostics and microfluidics devices. Prof Jin is the winner of the Australian Museum Eureka Prize for Interdisciplinary Scientific Research in 2015, the Australian Academy of Science John Booker Medalist in 2017, and the Prime Minister’s Malcolm McIntosh Prize for Physical Scientist of the Year 2017. He received the Australian Research Council Laureate Fellowship in the year of 2021.

  报告联系人: 05T7组 唐晓璐


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