



  由于现有视频系统场地的限制(新研究生大厦十五楼第三会议室),请拟参会人员填写培训报名表,并于113日前反馈至 liudz@dicp.ac.cn,以便我们决定是否需要启用分会场。 

  联系人:科技处 刘丹竹(9178 

  培训时间:2013118日(星期五) 13:30-16:30 

  主讲人:Kathryn Minnick国际合作局特聘专家 


Kathryn Minnick has been involved with China in different capacities for over 30 years. She first came to China as a tourist in 1979. In the intervening years, she has lived in Beijing for over 14 years and travelled to many parts of China. Kathryn has a master’s degree in Chinese Area Studies from the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor) as well as a master’s of journalism and mass communication from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, among other degrees. During the last few years, she taught broadcast writing at the university level and has worked as an editor, writer and occasional translator, most recently at Xinhua News Agency. 

Kathryn has an excellent grasp of English grammar, vocabulary and writing fundamentals, as evidenced by her score of over 800 on the English portion of the Graduate Record Examination (GRE). 

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